Fork me on and let's talk about it. If you want to buy me a beer :)
It comes with :
Todo : Write a nice documentation xD
Build complex websites with ease. Load data from arangoDB using AQL language. Edit your layouts, partials, pages, AQL requests directly from the backoffice. No need to deploy your change.
You want to use ? No problem ! Bootstrap ? Be our guest ! Fasty is CSS framework agnostic !
You can also use your favorite JS framework.
"model": [
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "title", "t": "string", "j": "joi.string().required()", "l": "Title", "tr": true },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "barcode", "t": "string", "j": "joi.string().required()", "l": "BarCode", "tr": true },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "desc", "t": "text", "j": "joi.string().required()", "l": "Description" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-2", "n": "price", "t": "float", "j": "joi.number().required()", "l": "Price" },
{ "r": false, "c": "1-2", "n": "online", "t": "boolean", "j": "joi.number().integer()", "l": "Online?" },
"r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "author_key", "t": "list", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "User",
"d": "FOR doc IN datasets FILTER doc.type == 'authors' RETURN [doc._key, CONCAT(doc.ln, ' ', doc.fn)]"
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "image", "t": "image", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "Pictures" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "content", "t": "html", "j": "joi.any()", "l": "Content Editor" }
"columns": [
{ "name": "title" }, { "name": "barcode" }
"act_as_tree": true,
"revisions": 10,
"publishable": true,
"sortable": true,
"slug": ["title"],
"sort": "SORT doc.order ASC",
"search": ["title", "barcode"],
"timestamps": true
Define your datatype and a UI will be created automatically. You can create as many datatypes you want. It comes with a lot of widgets : text, wysiwyg, html, code, images, files, list, tags ...
Once created, you can then create a partial to display your data.
You can also create a helper with a partial and a specific AQL request. You are free to create any kind of dynamic content you want. Generated within frontend Single Page application or component, or via the backend.
Enjoy editing your requests and create kinda store procedures
FOR page IN pages
2023-05-29 : Cache is now using ArangoDB key/value (by OB)
2023-03-30 : Set a cache TTL for your partials and components (by OB)
2021-01-19 : TailwindCSS integration (by OB)
2020-09-30 : Fasty CMS support RiotJS v4+ compiled tags (by OB)
2020-08-30 : Load external JSON content directly from your partials (by OB)