Sometimes you need to load an external JSON resource and display a value for a specific key. Let say by example you want to display the number of stargazers from your Github project. Github expose an API endpoint which return a JSON document with a lot of useful informations about your project.
If you run a GET method on then you'll get a JSON document looking like :
id: 188538881,
node_id: "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxODg1Mzg4ODE=",
name: "fasty",
full_name: "solisoft/fasty",
private: false,
owner: {
login: "solisoft",
id: 6237,
node_id: "MDQ6VXNlcjYyMzc=",
avatar_url: "",
gravatar_id: "",
url: "",
html_url: "",
followers_url: "",
following_url: "{/other_user}",
gists_url: "{/gist_id}",
starred_url: "{/owner}{/repo}",
subscriptions_url: "",
organizations_url: "",
repos_url: "",
events_url: "{/privacy}",
received_events_url: "",
type: "User",
site_admin: false
html_url: "",
description: "Fasty is a new CMS based on openresty / lapis & arangoDB",
fork: false,
url: "",
forks_url: "",
keys_url: "{/key_id}",
collaborators_url: "{/collaborator}",
teams_url: "",
hooks_url: "",
issue_events_url: "{/number}",
events_url: "",
assignees_url: "{/user}",
branches_url: "{/branch}",
tags_url: "",
blobs_url: "{/sha}",
git_tags_url: "{/sha}",
git_refs_url: "{/sha}",
trees_url: "{/sha}",
statuses_url: "{sha}",
languages_url: "",
stargazers_url: "",
contributors_url: "",
subscribers_url: "",
subscription_url: "",
commits_url: "{/sha}",
git_commits_url: "{/sha}",
comments_url: "{/number}",
issue_comment_url: "{/number}",
contents_url: "{+path}",
compare_url: "{base}...{head}",
merges_url: "",
archive_url: "{archive_format}{/ref}",
downloads_url: "",
issues_url: "{/number}",
pulls_url: "{/number}",
milestones_url: "{/number}",
notifications_url: "{?since,all,participating}",
labels_url: "{/name}",
releases_url: "{/id}",
deployments_url: "",
created_at: "2019-05-25T08:09:55Z",
updated_at: "2020-08-26T14:52:47Z",
pushed_at: "2020-08-26T14:52:44Z",
git_url: "git://",
ssh_url: "",
clone_url: "",
svn_url: "",
homepage: "",
size: 2740,
stargazers_count: 100,
watchers_count: 100,
language: "JavaScript",
has_issues: true,
has_projects: true,
has_downloads: true,
has_wiki: true,
has_pages: false,
forks_count: 7,
mirror_url: null,
archived: false,
disabled: false,
open_issues_count: 0,
license: {
key: "mit",
name: "MIT License",
spdx_id: "MIT",
url: "",
node_id: "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz"
forks: 7,
open_issues: 0,
watchers: 100,
default_branch: "master",
temp_clone_token: null,
network_count: 7,
subscribers_count: 9
There is a specific key called stargazers_count which contains then number of stargazers for this project.
Now if you want to get and display this value you have to write : {{ json | | stargazers_count }}
You can also use nested keys like owner.login
Adding this feature on FastyCMS was very easy and we wanted to show you the code which handle that :
if action == 'json'
output = from_json(http_get(item))
output = output[v] for k, v in pairs(stringy.split(dataset, "."))
Yes only 3 lines of moonscript ... Awesome :)
If you want to see it in action, just have a look to our main page! The stargazers count is displayed on it.