Let say you have created your own dataset, then you added a lot of entries on it. It's time to display your data with pagination. In the exemple below, our datatype is posts.
LET per_page = 10
LET posts = (
FOR post IN datasets
FILTER post.type == "posts" AND post.online == true
SORT post.published_at DESC
LIMIT (@page - 1) * per_page, per_page
LET post_count = LENGTH(
FOR post IN datasets
FILTER post.type == "posts" AND post.online == true
RETURN { posts, post_count, page: @page, per_page, pages: post_count / per_page }
Notice that @page is special. It will fallback to one if not provided in your URL. So here in this sample /fr/-/home
equals /fr/-/home/page/1
First define your posts page
<% for k, item in pairs(dataset.results[1].posts) do %>
<h1><%= item.title %></h1>
<div><%- item.description %></div>
<% end %>
{{ partial | pagination | use_params | current_page#<%= dataset.results[1].page %>#pages#<%= dataset.results[1].pages %> }}
And then create a pagination partial with the content below
<% -- pagination %>
<% local page = 0 %>
<% while page < tonumber(dataset._params.pages) do %>
<% page = page + 1 %>
<% if page == tonumber(dataset._params.current_page) then %>
<%= page %>
<% else %>
<a href="/en/-/home/page/<%= page %>"><%= page %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% -- end pagination %>
You'll be able then to re-use this partial for any new pagination. It will be then easy and fast to update your pagination on the CMS.
Once your AQL & your partial are defined, create an helper which will be included like that in your pages :
{{ helper | posts }}