allow you to deal with i18n texts easily. You have actually 2 ways to do it :
When you define a datatype, you can define if some fields are translatable or not. For that, you need to set the tr: true attribute to your json schema. You can have a look on the sample json below... ALl the fields with tr: true are translatable
"model": [
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "title", "t": "string", "j": "joi.string().required()", "l": "Title", "tr": true },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "color", "t": "string:color", "j": "joi.string().required()", "l": "Pick a color"},
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "position", "t": "integer", "j": "joi.number().integer()", "l": "Position" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "online", "t": "boolean", "j": "joi.number().integer()", "l": "Online?" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "published_at", "t": "date", "j": "'YYYY-MM-DD').raw().required()", "l": "Published_at" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "time", "t": "time", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "Time" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "desc", "t": "text", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "Description" },
"r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "author_key", "t": "list", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "User",
"d": "d": "FOR doc IN datasets FILTER doc.type == 'authors' RETURN [doc._key, CONCAT(doc.ln, ' ', doc.fn)]"
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "image", "t": "image", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "Pictures" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "file", "t": "file", "j": "joi.string()", "l": "Files" },
"r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "tags", "t": "tags", "j": "joi.array()", "l": "Tags",
"d": "LET tags = (FOR doc IN datasets FILTER doc.type=='books' AND doc.tags != NULL RETURN doc.tags) RETURN UNIQUE(FLATTEN(tags))"
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "items", "t": "multilist", "j": "joi.array()", "l": "Multi List of tags", "d": "AQL request" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "position", "t": "map", "j": "joi.array()", "l": "Coordinates" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "html", "t": "code:html", "j": "joi.any()", "l": "Some HTML" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "scss", "t": "code:scss", "j": "joi.any()", "l": "Some SCSS" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "javascript", "t": "code:javascript", "j": "joi.any()", "l": "Some JS" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "json", "t": "code:json", "j": "joi.any()", "l": "Some Json" },
{ "r": true, "c": "1-1", "n": "content", "t": "html", "j": "joi.any()", "l": "Content Editor" }
"columns": [
{ "name": "title", "tr": true, "class": "uk-text-right", "toggle": true,
"values": { "true": "online", "false": "offline" },
"truncate": 20, "uppercase": true, "lowercase": true
"act_as_tree": true,
"revisions": 10,
"publishable": true,
"slug": ["title"],
"sort": "SORT doc.order ASC",
"search": ["title", "barcode", "desc"],
"includes": {
"conditions": "FOR c IN customers FILTER c._key == doc.customer_key",
"merges": ", customer: c "
"timestamps": true
So to edit your content, just switch the lang using the links in the nav bar.
When you use this shortcut, all you have to do is to replace you content by it and it will automatically create entries in the Trads page.
Have a look to this sample below :
<div class="col-md-7 col-12 pb-3">
<div class="col-md-12 col-12 pl-0 pb-3 text-center">
{{ tr | sur le même sujet }}
It will create an entry in trads page for the specified key.
So as a developer, it's very easy to manage your texts for i18n.
People in charge of the website content will be able to easily update translations.
It's easy, very fast and so powerful.